venerdì 20 maggio 2016

Focus on... COLIN TERRY

We introduce you a player, a of the great and good of our group... "Mr. Fair-Play" Colin Terry...

D: Please, tell us about Colin Terry. As a man… as a player…
(Colin, raccontati come uomo e come giocatore)
R: . I'm a postman who loves his job and his family. I have a wife (Tina) and a cat and a dog that I adore. I've been in the same job for 25 years now and I love it. I love playing Subbuteo and I think my wife enjoys the quiet when I'm away. I support Tottenham Hotspur and that is what I'm doing the weekends that I'm not travelling. 

 D: San Benedetto, C-League… a very strong experience… what have you learned from?
(San Benedetto, la serie C ... un'esperienza forte ... cosa ti ha Lasciato?)
R: San Benedetto was an amazing experience and probably better than any World Cup I've been to. The excitement starts within minutes of the first game starting whereas the WC takes at least until the KO stage to get exciting (The World Cup only gets exciting in the 1/8 stage when it's just the best players playing... at SB it got exciting straight away). I learnt that the importance of playing as a team and taking turns in doing things and giving encouragement to your team whilst they are playing. 

D: Differences between playing in England and in Italy. What do you like and dislike more…
(Le differenze di gioco tra Inghilterra ed Italia. Cosa ti e piaciuto e di più e cosa ti e piaciuto di meno ...)
R:  I'm England we only have 6 active teams so they will never have anything like Italy. I loved every second of SB. The passion and excitement and the team spirit was amazing. I've never really enjoyed team events in the past but now I understand the importance and I've fallen in love with it. The organization side of it was brilliant and it ran so well. In England it is chaos. Players will be late to tables and no-one wants to referee. It is so much more professional in Italy. I feel like a sportsman in Italy where it is just a hobby in England. 

 D: What do you expect  from the Flickers, during next season 2016-17?
(Cosa ti aspetti dai Flickers per la stagione 2016-17?)
R: In 2016-17 season then I hope to make both weekends of C and get the good name of the flickers known to more players. People already comment on how they like our team spirit and fair-play so I would love this to continue. 

 D: Your key strength  and your weak point… 
(Un tuo punto di forza ed uno sul quale lavorarci ...)
R: My key strength is my attitude. I love the game and the flickers. I will always continue to practice and want to become a better player. Being in the same side as you lads will make me a better player because I listen to everything you tell me and like a sponge I soak it up and remember and learn. My weakness is that I'm not yet at the same standard of slowing a game down and keeping possession. This is something that I'm working on now. 

 D: A question you would have wanted me to ask you… with the answer, obviously…
(Una domanda che che ti avresti voluto facessi... con la risposta…)
R: Why the flickers?? I had met Giulio and Vittorio on previous trips in Europe and I loved the way they played and the attitude they showed. For them they loved playing the game and the fair play. This is important to me. When I decided to leave London I had many offers but I wanted to be part of a bigger team and to learn and play on the big stage in Italy. It was a massive decision going to Italy but it has so been the right move. I've never been more proud of playing for a team as I do the flickers.

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